Any fish brought in that is less than 15 inches will not be weighed and will result in the loss of the weight of the largest walleye from the days bag limit.
All fish will be examined for stuffing.
Each boat may bring in 6 and weigh no more than 5 walleye; no more than 2 may be over 20 inches; if more than 6 walleyes are brought in, the contestants will be DISQUALIFIED.
All rulings by the judges are final.
Tournament boats must not be closer than 15 feet at any time.
Boats must not go on shore at any time. Restrooms are at the starting point
If a contestant has any reason for going ashore, they MUST return to the starting point.
All boats will start at Volden’s Pit.
All boats must be in by designated time. Any boats in after that will be DISQUALIFIED.
Any ties will be determined by of the teams largest walleye.
Boundaries: Marsh lake dam to the Watson Sag to the Churchill Dam
All Minnesota fishing and US Coast Guard rules apply [Motor HP is restricted to Manufacturer’s nameplate].
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in boats during tournament.
Boats will be inspected before and during the tournament.
Any violations of rules or regulations – contestants will be DISQUALIFIED.
Entry fees are non-refundable
Life jackets MUST be worn at all times during tournament hours except at trolling speeds or less.
Use of binoculars and cell phones is not allowed during tournament hours.
In case of inclement weather, seek shelter on shore.
Tournament committee and all representatives not responsible for any accidents.
Flight 1 (Boats 1-35 in at 4:00 pm) Flight 2 (Boats 36-70 in at 4:15 pm)
Teams who fished the PJL Memorial in 2021 have until May 31st 2022 to have their entries postmarked to guarantee their spot in this years tournament. On June 1st entries will be open to the public to fill the remaining spots.
At least one member from each team must attend the rules meeting.
RULES MEETING TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 26th 6:00 PM AT Happy Hour Sports Bar in Madison